Wednesday, March 12, 2008

~~~ ST. PATRICK~~~

The Man, the Myth, the Legend: St. Patrick
St. Patrick is often viewed as the undeniable icon of Irish religion. He took on a 30-year mission to convert Ireland, established schools, churches and monasteries, and according to legend, completely rid Ireland of snakes. So what is the real story behind the man holding the three-leaf clover? Well for one, he didn’t start out Irish or Patrick.

Born Maewyn Succat, the young Brit was kidnapped at age 16 by Celtic raiders and sold into slavery in Hibernia (Ireland). He spent six years alone, herding cattle on a mountain. One day he escaped and returned back to his family, where he decided to study at a monastery and become a priest. He changed his name to “Patricius” and began having spiritual visions. In a dream one night, a man approached him with a letter that read: “Vox Hibernionaccum” or “Voice of the Irish.” After 12 years in a French monastery, at the age of 60, he changed his name to Patrick and returned to Ireland.